As a small neighborhood facing intense development pressure, Heritage often finds itself having to assume a defensive posture against change and new development. We are surrounded on all sides by busy corridors located near one of the nation’s largest universities, resulting in unique and difficult challenges that demand our attention.
With CodeNext we have the opportunity to adjust our zoning to encourage the kind of growth and development that we desire. Friends of Heritage organized a neighborhood vision workshop led by Kara Kotwas so we could look beyond simply saying “No” to things we assume many of our neighbors oppose, and instead take a step back to have an open, facilitated conversation about what we think a great neighborhood consists of. This will enable us to articulate what we want our neighborhood to be in the future.
The workshop took place on Sunday October 1 from 3-5 pm at the Yarborough Library. We had a turnout of 12 neighbors, who participated in a series of design thinking activities. The synthesized data indicated which issues are most important to all. You can view the CodeNext Workshop Presentation and read the resulting Workshop Transcription.
To broaden our reach and make sure that as many voices are heard as possible, please take this survey to rank the importance of these issues to you. You will also have the opportunity to provide any additional comments you may have at the end of the survey. The survey will close on Sunday October 29 to allow Friends of Heritage to gather feedback before public comments on CodeNext draft 2 close at the end of the month.
Take the Heritage vision survey