A week from Monday, on January 29, Friend of Heritage will elect a new board for 2018 at our annual meeting. Per our bylaws the current board will present a slate of nominees, and members can also nominate candidates at the meeting. We encourage members who want to get involved to consider joining the board of FoH.
Maybe you’d like to keep the friendly spirit going by helping plan & promote social events. Or get involved with how Austin can accommodate the one million people who’ll move here in the next fifteen years in a way that keeps our city diverse, affordable, and bike/pedestrian/transit-friendly. Renters, who are facing an affordability crisis as central Austin’s housing supply fails to keep up with demand, are especially welcome.
If you’re interested, email us at info@friendsofheritage.org and one of the board members will be happy to meet with you so you can learn more about Friends of Heritage and the role of a board member.
John Boardman
Vice-chair, Friends of Heritage