The following is a draft resolution. Ask questions, offer suggestions, and share your thoughts so we are better informed and have a strong resolution for the final vote that starts this Friday Oct 27.
Encourage redevelopment of mixed-use on corridor roads
Heritage could accommodate significantly more housing, reduce sprawl, and protect our environment if we eliminate parking minimums for residences on our corridors. Under CodeNext the mixed-use zoning along Heritage’s corridors requires a minimum of one parking space for each residential unit. This makes many parcels unable to support mixed-use development because there is insufficient land to provide the parking needed for additional stories of residential over first floor retail, which has its own parking requirements. Parking minimums also force land to be used to house cars, not people, and free parking encourages car usage over other modes of transportation. A growing number of Austinites do not have cars, especially students and young professionals, and instead use bikes, ride-sharing, and mass transit. We should give developers the choice to provide parking-free housing where the market supports it.
Due to our neighborhood’s walkability and access to mass transit, in Heritage parking minimums should be eliminated in the mixed-use MS2A, MS2B, MU1C zoning (along Guadalupe, Lamar, 34th Street, and 38th Street) as a bonus for developers who provide additional improvements such as wider sidewalks and trees.
The Residential Permit Parking process should be available to neighborhoods who waive parking minimums. Residents of multi-family developments that take advantage of reduced parking minimums should not be eligible for RPP permits.
In addition MS2A, MS2B, MU1C zoning should have:
- No multilevel structured parking on the exterior (must be wrapped by the building or underground)
- No drive-throughs
- Height step back to 35’ within 50’ of a triggering residential lot to be compatible with the 32’ height of R3C residential zoning