Hey neighbors! As you know the City of Austin is in the process of creating a new land development code called CodeNEXT, and Heritage should have a voice in it. CodeNext will determine how our neighborhood will be shaped as Austin grows.
Friends of Heritage will be putting four resolutions up for a vote, with the vote starting on Friday Oct 27 and ending on Monday Oct 30 at 8 pm CDT.
A draft of each resolution will be posted to the Friends of Heritage forum. If anyone has suggestions or additions for the language or simply any questions, please respond on the forum topic specific each resolution. You don’t need to be an expert in zoning to speak up. Ask questions, get clarifications, propose wordings.
On Friday Oct 27 Friends of Heritage will start a vote on final versions of the resolutions, with voting ending Monday Oct 30 at 8 pm.
You can vote online. If you’re already a member of Friends of Heritage you will automatically receive an email with your ballot later this week before votingarts (remember, voting is encoded and anonymous so no one knows how you vote). If you are not a member and would like to vote you can register at any time between now and the end of the vote by registering at https://www.friendsofheritage.org/join/