How many times have you been biking, driving, or crossing the street on foot in our neighborhood and been unable to see around a corner to know if a car was coming? This happens to me a lot, and I wanted to see if there was interest in contacting the city for a solution. I took the picture below as I was biking up Salado on my way back from Texas French Bread, but there are several intersections like this in Heritage. I watched a car in front of me inch out into 30th Street only to almost be sideswiped by a car coming down 30th Street. There was no way either car could see the other.
The problem is worst at T intersections on narrow streets like 30th and 31st where there is only enough room for one car in the road (essentially a one-lane street despite being two-way). I pasted a map below where I circled the intersections that I think are the worst. It seems this could be easily remedied by putting white stripes around the intersections to demarcate where parking should end, leaving enough space around the intersection to have a little visibility. (In the photo the black Jeep would not be able to park there and perhaps the white sedan too.)
Does anyone else think this is worth pursuing? Are there any downsides I’m not anticipating, other than a handful of parking spaces removed near the stop signs?